* hey! you. you get the blackouts too, right? well, that means you're in.

* pick someone to show you the ropes. that way, if we all die tonight, we'll blame you guys.

full name: nateira kravitz
aliases: nate, saint, guttersaint, GS
age: 15
D.O.B: august 2 (leo)
gender: cis-female (she/her)

voice: DFU TID
marked: yes [2]
chosen: no

item: grappling hook
power deck: takedown

holds the record amongst her companions for the most headshots during the "egg the lucids" missionbrown belt an the local aikido groupambidextrous, however chooses to rely on right hand for most activityboth parents are sleepers

personality: nate, while seemingly the “good girl” of her group (and of her town), is arguably one of the most mischievous kids in hoadley. she’s ridiculously good at presenting herself as sweet, well-behaved, and harmless, and loves to convince adults of it. however, as soon as she’s out of the spotlight, nate loves to poke fun at friends, her subtle snark often catching others off guard. quite the daredevil, she’s adventurous, playful, and as quick on her feet as her tongue. her quips often come as quite unexpected to anyone who doesn’t know her, but are never malicious. while she’s the troublemaker of her group, she’s also one of the most spirited, and is quick to protect any one of her fellow club members.

name: talia dasalan
aliases: T_DEUCE, Deuce
age: 16
D.O.B: january 16 (capricorn)
sexuality: demiromantic queer
gender: demi-girl (she/they)

voice: TID, TMC
marked: yes (2)
chosen: yes

item: grappling hook
power deck: drone

stalker: no

while notably a follower of TID, talia has been offered the chosen status by TMC if she ever so desires it.moved to redacre at age 5father and older brother both sleepersis on redacre high school’s yearbook team, in charge of leading the graphic design segments

personality: talia is often regarded as the coolheaded one of her group, able to maintain a calm exterior and quickly take the lead in high-pressure situations. while she’s fully capable of running many mission objectives on her own, she tends to stay close to her other teammates, using her abilities to help them out and efficiently complete missions. intelligent, quick-witted, and often laser-focused, she can come off as a tad intimidating due to her sheer expertise & expectation for others to keep up. while she’s noted for her precision, she’s also particularly direct with her actions, often resulting in her finding herself in rough, sometimes dangerous situations.

likes: cinnamon sugar, crystals/minerals, guitar, cloudy days, programming, card games, graphic design
dislikes: musicals, programming bugs, actual bugs, short skirts, sleeping in late, overly juicy fruits, being talked about
fears: have her most vulnerable self laid bare for everyone to see, lose control of her life, lose everyone and be unable to do anything about it
aspirations: force SAO out of redacre, graduate high school, survive

name: percy miyata-barkes
aliases: parallux, lux
age: 15
D.O.B: june 20 (gemini)
sexuality: queer
gender: androgyne (they/them)

voice: STG
marked: yes (1)
chosen: no

item: stun gun
power deck: drone

stalker: no

moved to redacre at the start of the fall school yearfather moved to redacre the previous summer and has attained lucidityhas nicknamed their drone "medea"

personality: percy tends to fall on the quieter side. often the more cautious of their friends, they often look out for everyone best they can, both during missions and in general, and are quick to alert others if trouble pops up. despite their seemingly passive, behind-the-scenes skillset, they’ll be quick to spring into action and help out their teammates when necessary. casual and often easily amused by friends, they can come off as a little blunt and somewhat stoic at times to others, but their concerns are always in the best interests of those around them.

likes: warm coffee, fall, the quiet hum of electronics/the drone, cloudy nights, oversized jackets, lizards, 80’s music
dislikes: creaky staircases, SAO, mint-flavored things, the smell of gasoline, blatant recklessness, journals, lucids

fears: getting caught by their dad, losing their friends
aspirations: expose chorus, get out of redacre, and get away from their dad.

name: jayhan saba
aliases: Just4fun j4, jay
age: 15
D.O.B: march 9 (pisces)
sexuality: queer-asexual
gender: cis-male (he/him)

voice: none
marked: no
chosen: no

item: crossbow
power deck: unstoppable

stalker: no

moved to redacre over the summeraccidentally found the blackout club when he ran into some of them during one of their missions, having been woken up by an unknown voicewas extremely skeptical about the club and the voices, but quickly realized he had to believe them to survivewas quickly welcomed by nate, percy, and talia, who became his usual mission team. he was also taken under the wing of reyna, one of the senior club membershas remained neutral when it comes to voice alignments, but harbors a quiet curiosity about SPEAK-AS-ONE's idealsmother is a sleeper

personality: a bit reserved at first, jayhan is quick to open up when shown interest. surprisingly genuine and thoughtful, his wit and sarcastic sense of humor tends to earn him points with his peers, and disapproval among adults and other authority figures in his life. does his best to be helpful and stay on top of things, but can get set off pretty quickly when he feels that things are getting ridiculous or unfair. at times, he speaks without thinking, his cynicism or bluntness often getting him in trouble, but his intentions are never malicious. rather protective of both those close to him and strangers alike, he can be reckless, quick to stand up against others and potentially endanger himself. despite his impulsiveness, however, he's quick-thinking, and his determination to help others can get him far. overall, he's known for his laid-back & easygoing nature just as well as he is for his stubbornness & refusal to let unfairness slide.

likes: bonfires, the color yellow, arcade games, wintertime, 70's music, adventure movies, dogs
dislikes: peppers, being a tourist, english class, rainy weather, sleeping in the dark, crowds, documentaries

fears: losing himself to the Voices, death, helplessness to protect others
aspirations: protect the residents of redacre, escape the voices, graduate high school, survive

strengths: selfless, clever, physically adept, stands up for what he believes in, loyal
weaknesses: stubborn, doesn't always think his actions through, doesn't respect others if he feels they don't deserve it, would do anything to protect others, blunt

name: arden ellis
age: 16
D.O.B: october 5 (libra)
sexuality: pansexual
gender: demi-girl (she/them)

voice: LL
marked: yes (1)
chosen: no

item: stun gun
power deck: none

stalker: no

while not a proper member of the blackout club, she often runs her own “missions,” interfering with SAO’s plans as well as collecting information for herself & LAUGH-LASThas been mistaken for a stalker on a number of occasions, however as she’s rarely caught, she never bothers to make the distinctionmoved to redacre with her father & older brother when she was 10has been hard of hearing ever since she was a child. wears hearing aids to assist, but defaults to ASL to communicatebelieves her father and brother to be sleepers, however is unaware that the latter is a lucid

personality: arden usually keeps to herself, not caring much for socialization with her peers. very dry-humored, hard to impress and often spiteful, she’s not always the most pleasant to be around and knows it, often jabbing at anyone who actually bothers talking to her. she seems to not care what others think of her, wholly enjoying messing with and mocking her TBC counterparts, as well as actively causing trouble for CHORUS. quick-witted and resourceful, she’s highly capable of managing on her own, as well as achieving a means to her ends. in this sense, she usually keeps herself entirely closed off from others, refusing to reveal any sort of vulnerability or genuine emotion.

likes: girl scout cookies, swimming, sneaking out, long movies, stun guns, turning off her hearing aids to ignore people out of spite, salty foods
dislikes: speed traps, the color light blue, decorative candles, dressing “properly,” being caught unaware, school, SAO

fears: abandonment, helplessness
aspirations: kick SAO & HTS’ asses, get out of redacre

strengths: intelligent, sneaky, resourceful, good physical coordination, independent, strong-willed
weaknesses: anti-social, obstinate, spiteful, rude, refuses to be vulnerable, morbid

name: mira-jane wesley
aliases: mazenjinx, mazen, MJ, mira
age: 15
D.O.B: june 11 (gemini)
sexuality: bisexual
gender: demi-girl (she/them)

voice: SAO
marked: no
chosen: no

item: none
power deck: none

stalker: yes

moved to redacre at 7 with her familyboth parents are sleepers, not fully aware of SAO's influence on themhad a rather cordial watcher assigned to her who convinced her of SAO's good intentions. aided and served CHORUS casually until bells' disappearanceupon the blackout club forming and taking action against CHORUS, her watcher reached out to her and tasked her with stalking club kids in order to prove her loyalty and interfere with the club "delinquents"during this time, met and befriended cyrus, a fellow SAO follower and stalkerwas a cautious — but active — stalker, usually only recording evidence of club kids rather than actively endangering them, however stopped this behavior upon finding the dead body of one of her peers located in the maze. this forced her to re-evaluate her actions and beliefs, causing her to slowly and stop actively stalking club members and instead secretly aid them while on missionswhen stalking and helping club kids, she keeps her mask up and remains silent in order to keep her watcher from hearing and finding out that she's going against orders.

personality: mj comes off as a rather average teenager. easygoing, headstrong, and friendly enough among her peers, even mj herself would describe her “ultimate goal” as “just trying to graduate high school.” while she does her best to keep up with her academics, she’s not the best at priorities, and tends to act first on her feelings and desires rather than focusing on her responsibilities. not one to let potential consequences scare her, she seeks out (usually) harmless fun where she can get it in her boring small town. however, that town isn’t as boring as it seems, and below the surface mj is well aware of that. formerly a follower of sao, mj was unquestioningly compliant, easily aiding the voice in her head because it was simply what everyone else did. she trusted her watcher because her watcher seemed to trust her. when asked to prove her loyalty, she did so readily. while she felt somewhat uncomfortable with the concept of spying on her peers, and was nervous about what getting caught would entail, she allowed her watcher to help her “rationalize” it. she took her role as a stalker seriously, and was always careful to do her best to aid SAO. after her revelation as to SAO’s true nature and resulting defection, however, she took her new role just as seriously — providing supplies, distractions, and help to the club kids, all from the shadows. she remains just as cautious, perhaps even moreso as her behavior risks both aggressive club kids and getting caught by the adults of the town. it’s hard to live the triple life of a regular kid, an sao follower, and a traitor, but she’s got it down to the wire, and when it comes to the lives of her peers? she’s determined to do what she can to keep them safe.

likes: pastel colors, hanging out with cyrus, friendly club kids, pork buns, heights, racing, her cat
dislikes: entering the song, SAO’s tactics, mean club kids, asparagus, wintertime, schoolwork, the color orange

fears: being found out by SAO, having a misunderstanding and getting attacked by either a club kid or another voice, her parents getting injured by the club, watching redacre burn and being helpless to stop it
aspirations: aid club kids best she can, get away safely from SAO's influence, free her family, survive

strengths: good at lying & hiding her activity, physically fit, agile, knows hoadley like the back of her hand, aware of her surroundings
weaknesses: struggles in school, prioritizes fun over obligation, feels guilty for aiding sao and getting other kids killed, reacts emotionally first, bad at putting thoughts & feelings into words

name: reyna la rosa
aliases: novirose, novi, rey
age: 17
D.O.B: october 2 (libra)
sexuality: queer asexual
gender: cis-female (she/her)

voice: SAO
marked: yes [1]
chosen: yes

item: stun gun
power deck: unstoppable

stalker: yes

moved to redacre at 9 years old with her familymother was seemingly a THEE-I-DARE host, and disappeared when rey was 11father was considered a strong host, but was argued over by multiple voices, eventually driving him to madnessran away from home shortly after her father lost his sanityrecognizes the presence and abilities of the voices, but distrusts the majority of themhad an incident right before her 15th birthday when THEE-I-DARE, prior to his shattering, contacted her and blacked her out. she remembers very little, due to both repression and the nature of blackouts, but she lost many days due to it, and only recalls a sense of panic, dread, and angerhas been trying track down bells ever since she went missing. blames TID for failing to help protect bells when she disappearedwent so far as to side with SAO in the hopes of finding bells, and with the goal of destroying TID & the rest of the voices

personality: reyna typically comes off as warm, witty, and very supportive. one of the older club members, she's quick to welcome new kids with a clever remark and offer of help. she has a sarcastic sense of humor, and does her best to put others at ease with dry jokes and quick banter. dedicated to helping train new members and keep up with more experienced ones, she always emphasizes that within the club, you're never alone, and everyone's support for one another is what matters. as one of bells' closer friends, she's one of the more determined club members when it comes to finding information on her friend's disappearance. while she's certainly easygoing, she doesn't take the voices lightly, and her distrust of the majority of them isn't hard to pick up on — especially when it comes to THEE-I-DARE. after her past traumatic run-in with the Adversary, she does her best to keep him far, far away, and advises most club kids she meets to be just as wary of him. unfortunately, most don't follow this advice, and while she doesn't necessarily express disapproval at the close bonds other kids form with him, she actively regards him as manipulative, reckless, and dangerous — the inventor of the Lie. these feelings coupled with her determination to find bells, at almost any cost, has pushed her to some questionable moral bounds. however, she forges on, believing her means are to an end.

likes: the hideout, rock music, long-sleeved shirts, runs, chocolate chip ice cream, snowy days
dislikes: TID, scented candles, school food, sandals, swimming, english class, dogs

fears: redacre being destroyed, losing the club, never finding bells
aspirations: rescue bells, destroy TID

strengths: meticulous, clever, puts others at ease, cautious, physically adept
weaknesses: holds onto grudges, being manipulated by SAO, temperamental, fixates on one goal, rationalizes SAO's actions

name: alexy moore
aliases: wiight03, wight
age: 15
D.O.B: july 28 (leo)
sexuality: aromantic-asexual
gender: cis-male (he/him)

voice: IHT
marked: yes [2]
chosen: yes

item: grappling hook
power deck: unstoppable

stalker: no

moved to redacre at 7 years old with his familyat 12, nearly drowned while swimming in lake tolmie. he was rescued by his sibling, kiran, and the two have kept the incident a secret since thenspoke to IN-HER-TEETH for the first time while in a semi-conscious state due to the panic of drowning. as he felt he was going to die, she comforted him until his brother pulled him out of the waterhad a number of interactions with IN-HER-TEETH thereafter, and during the quiet war, was granted both chosen status and her maskfeels strongly about his brother's allegiance to DIE-FOR-YOU, as he shares his patron voice's sentiment on the martyr.both parents serve as lucids under SPEAK-AS-ONE

personality: loud, upbeat, and a bit of a narcissist, alexy may initially come off as a little too self-absorbed for most people. very much a class-clown type, he's talkative and comical, holding little regard for authority. it's not uncommon for his classmates to find him obnoxious, or even annoying. however, this side of him is usually only prevalent when he's around others, and only when his twin, kiran, is around to rein him in. when on his own, he comes off as a much more genuine person — quieter, calmer, and even a tad bit reserved, he feels like a much friendlier individual who's not "performing" for an audience. quick to offer help, his willingness to look out for others can take his peers aback very easily. he's surprisingly well-aware of the role he plays in others' lives, and does his best to provide aid and comfort to those close to him. having had a very personal interaction with IHT some years back, he is very comfortable with the thought of death, so long as he feels as though he achieved everything he intended to before it. however, he is determined to ensure that death does not come for any of those around him earlier than it should.

likes: miso soup, P.E. class, chilly weather, the colors blue and white, nighttime, piano music, flannels
dislikes: stalkers, oatmeal cookies, summer, the smell of hand sanitizer, driving, classical literature, swimming

fears: losing kiran, IHT getting killed, swimming
aspirations: protect his brother's life, protect those around him, survive, kill SAO and HTS

strengths: high stamina, unusual eye for detail, deciphering others' feelings, strong-willed, patient
weaknesses: obnoxious, annoying, sometimes oblivious, slow-witted, terrible at recognizing his own feelings

name: kiran moore
aliases: KnoxAffinity, knox
age: 15
D.O.B: july 28 (leo)
sexuality: pansexual
gender: demi-boy (he/them)

voice: DFY
marked: yes [3]
chosen: yes

item: crossbow
power deck: takedown

stalker: no

moved to redacre at 7 years old with his familyat 12, rescued his twin, alexy, from drowning in lake tolmie. the two have kept the incident a secret sincehaving heard from DIE-FOR-YOU in his dreams, followed the martyr god warily for some time before meeting him. was consecutively marked with a halo, chosen shirt, and finally mask throughout future visitsdespite his reckless behavior when it comes to protecting his friends, he's actually very rarely been suppressed by the shapeboth parents serve as lucids under SPEAK-AS-ONE

personality: kiran, at first glance, comes off as quite dry-humored, sarcastic, and above all — tired of his brother's shenanigans. while he tends to keep to himself, most impressions of him involve reining his brother's more chaotic behavior in; telling him off with an underhand comment or an insult. as a result, he can come off as rather impatient or blunt, when in reality kiran usually reserves that behavior for his twin. while still seemingly sarcastic and reserved, his irritation is replaced by a tired, almost charming wit. quite attentive, he's keen to others and has a very good sense of self-awareness, especially when it comes to the influence of the voices. there's something about him that makes anyone who's familiar with him rather comfortable in his presence — whether that's due to his willingness to stand up for others, or the fact that he has no qualms about getting his brother to shut up. while he may come off as passive, he's without a doubt one of the most loyal and dedicated friends to his group, and always readily throws himself into danger if it means protecting the ones he cares about.

likes: horror movies, artificial strawberry flavoring, hoodies, PBJ sandwiches, the color purple, cream coffee, rain
dislikes: history class, sickly sweet foods, skinny pants, his hair, pop music, cold weather, his brother's stupidity

fears: being unable to protect those close to him, losing alexy
aspirations: protect those around him, even if it costs him his life, get out of redacre

strengths: physically fit, attentive, reflective, passionate, witty
weaknesses: tunnel visions when friends are in danger, endangers self, stubborn, bluntly honest

name: sione maiava
aliases: Halcyon, hal
age: 16
D.O.B: februrary 17 (aquarius)
sexuality: greyromantic-queer
gender: cis-male (he/him)

voice: none
marked: yes (1)
chosen: no

item: stun gun
power deck: hacker

stalker: no

moved to redacre earlier in the year with his parentsboth parents are sleepers. upon realizing this, sione quickly relocated to the boxcar.has had run-ins with both TID and IHT, the latter whom marked him as a sign of her favorwas contacted by the Unknown Caller multiple times before the UC's capture. was one of the few who held a cooperative, even friendly relationship with the UCafter the UC's capture at the hands of HTS, has been determined to find a way to rescue him

personality: cautious, tireless, and attentive, sione stands as quite independent. not out of a dislike for others, nor out of social anxiety, but simply because he finds working alone to be easier and more manageable. and people are too unpredictable for him. while he doesn't immediately assume that others are out to get him, he rarely trusts others, especially when it comes to the voices. being relatively new to redacre, he's remained extremely skeptical about the intentions of the various entities in his town, and does his best to stay out of the spotlight. while he's never outright rude to anyone, including the voices, he makes his feelings on the whole "possession thing" very clear, and is extremely straightforward on his preference to avoid the voices. aside from these doubts, sione is polite and pleasant enough, if not even a little awkward at times due to his uncertainty social-wise. he's loyal and hard-working, and after losing the UC to HTS, has been determined to find a way to free him that doesn't involve drawing the attention of any of the voices.

likes: peppermint candies, cool nights, video games, parkour, fruit snacks, the color yellow, cool birds
dislikes: spiders, his hair, the voices as a whole, dead skeptic, cigarette smoke, camping, orange soda

fears: getting possessed, getting killed, being left as the only survivor
aspirations: beat HTS, get UC back, get rid of the voices, escape redacre

strengths: independent, attentive, cautious, stands his ground
weaknesses: blunt, flustered easily, hubris sometimes gets the best of him, reacts emotionally

name: rue whitlock
aliases: rhyme, riskofrhyme
age: 15
D.O.B: may 24 (gemini)
sexuality: biromantic-asexual
gender: agender (they/them)

voice: SAO
marked: no
chosen: no

item: crossbow/none
power deck: none

stalker: yes

lost both their parents at 3 years old due to an automobile accidentwas raised in one of CHORUS' children's homes alongside their twin, fennecmasks as a TBC kid, however trades off on the role of the "stalker" with their brother. the two communicate during missions to effectively sabotage club membersas an SAO follower and stalker, they are able to utilize red doors even when masking as a TBC kid

personality: rue initially comes off as rather easygoing, collected, and just a little bit troublesome if you're on their bad side. friendly enough, they usually get along with other club members, though will occasionally taunt those who talk a little bit too much about their voice for rue's liking. these snide comments can sometimes earn them a few dirty looks, but they’re always quick to move on. helpful, strategic, and able to keep their calm, they're careful about how they act around the club, never revealing too much about themself. having been raised in a CHORUS children's home alongside their twin, they were taught from a young age that the Song was mercy, truth, and home. they consider all other voices to be false, and think of themselves as above the rest of their peers. they rarely take the club seriously, and actually take joy in messing with the club without them realizing it — a misplaced tripwire, a poorly aimed flashbang, a whisper that's just a little too loud. while the twins work together against the club to interfere with missions, rue is the quieter of the two, preferring to sow the seeds of chaos then watch it unfold from a distance. they have no qualms about manipulating or endangering their peers, and very rarely express remorse due to their belief that all will eventually be preserved within the Song. the only thing that may potentially outweigh their confidence in the song would be their trust in their own twin.

likes: messing with club kids, reading, skipping class, chinese food, the Song, hanging out with fennec, the color red
dislikes: ice cream, sunny weather, scarves, the smell of gasoline, wearing their glasses, the rest of the voices, the blackout club

fears: losing fennec, getting hurt by club kids, failing SAO, being cast out of the Song
aspirations: serve SAO, enter the song with fennec, stop the blackout club

strengths: keeping their cool, strategic, lying, clever, resourceful
weaknesses: manipulated by SAO, considers themself superior, remorseless for endangering others, snide, self-absorbed

name: ruihua wu
aliases: eostrix, A♭D#
age: 17
D.O.B: june 1st (gemini)
sexuality: queer
gender: cis-male (he/him)

voice: SAO
marked: yes
chosen: yes

item: none
power deck: none

stalker: yes

moved to redacre from hong kong at 10 years old with his family.a few CHORUS-employed teachers took note of ruihua's eagerness to help his community, as well as his diligence in school and care of others.when observed, was found to have an unusual "clarity" for his age, the same needed for lucids. when offered the position, ruihua accepted.works as a counselor at camp tolmie over the summer.both his mother and father are sleepers.

personality: not the most social around town, ruihua is generally regarded as fairly quiet, but a hard-worker. liked by his teachers and kept wary of by his classmates, he prefers little to no company of his peers, instead taking care of the local kids (including his younger siblings) and doing various jobs and favors for the older adults in his neighborhood. not the most energetic or enthusiastic, and under his breath can even be somewhat cynical/rude, but never causes trouble, and always acts as responsible for keeping the peace.

likes: autumn, 90s music, redacre, running track, quiet nights, traditional chinese food, working maintenance
dislikes: troublemakers, school, having to practice piano, snowy weather, stupidity, unnecessary competition, the other voices

fears: the danger of outside voices, death, losing those close to him, bugs
aspirations: serve SPEAK-AS-ONE, become one with the song, protect and serve his community, do well in school

strengths: attentive, physically fit, ensures things get done, skilled with technology (especially surveillance), witty
weaknesses: non-critical, doesn't question orders, doesn't value himself beyond his usefulness to CHORUS, asocial, cynical

name: dahj kaur
aliases: smiley_havoc, smiley
age: 17
D.O.B: november 22 (scorpio)
sexuality: queer-asexual
gender: agender (they/them)

voice: TID
marked: yes (1)
chosen: no

item: stun gun
power deck: takedown

stalker: no

moved to Redacre in the past year with their step-mother, father, and step-sister, sadiqah.quickly managed to befriend two of their peers; marjani, an aspiring tattoo artist and troublemaker extraordinaire, andwhile not previously affiliated with the "troublemakers" causing havoc for SAO, has had a number of run-ins with a lucidis unsure as to their family's status within the Song

personality: hot-headed, rash, and at times inconsiderate, dahj isn't the most agreeable person to be around. they don't go out of their way to be a bully, but they quickly rebuff any attempts at socialization, finding new friendships unnecessary. instead, they keep to their small circle of friends, only trusting those close to them and shutting down anyone else on the outside — including their step-sister, sadiqah. generally regarded as a firebrand, a slacker, and an all-around pain in the ass. they don't actively seek out trouble, but it always seems to come to them, and they in turn react with offense as the best defense.

likes: maraschino cherries, their friends, skipping class,
dislikes: their step-family, their dad,



name: sadiqah kaur
aliases: sadi, karmotrine, karm
age: 16
D.O.B: may 29th (gemini)
sexuality: panromantic-asexual
gender: demigirl (she/they)

voice: DFU
marked: yes
chosen: yes

item: crossbow
power deck: unstoppable

stalker: no

moved to Redacre in the past year with her mother, step-father, and step-sibling, dahj.avoided by her peers at school, makes no efforts to befriend others.had often been blacked out only to awaken with scrawled notes on the Old Tonguewas contacted by DFU repeatedly through dreamsin possession of multiple instances of contraband, ranging from technology to substancesis unsure as to her family's status within the Song

personality: observant, sardonic, and at times callous, her blunt attitude and straightforwardness doesn’t earn her many friendship points with others. usually keeping to herself, she’s not the most sociable, but has no qualms about speaking what's on her mind, whether it be a snarky comment in a passing conversation or flipping off a rude substitute teacher. she makes no efforts to befriend others, and most of the kids at school avoid her anyways — she holds the reputation of that one weird errant/alt kid that nobody really wants to talk to. dry-humored and somewhat cynical, she often makes jabs at others, not to be unnecessarily cruel, but to point out things she thinks are obvious. tries to act disinterested or bored around her peers, but usually ends up paying attention regardless, willing to engage if she deems it interesting or necessary.

likes: "ugly" eye-grabbing colors, sneaking out, dyeing her hair, writing out song lyrics, fast food burgers, weasels, a good joint
dislikes: redacre, her parents, lemon tea, cold weather, the color blue, goodie-two-shoes, tomatoes

fears: needles, heights, amounting to nothing
aspirations: get out of redacre, get away from her parents, make her own music

strengths: stubborn, honest, observant, agile, bold
weaknesses: insensitive, rude, anti-social, unkempt, bad at expressing self

name: rhys reeves
aliases: Rs98, R
age: 17
gender: cis-male (he/him)

voice: none
marked: no
chosen: no

item: stun gun
power deck: none

stalker: none

moved to redacre at a young age with his familyhis parents both serve SAO as lucidswith the aid of his friend ellis, organized a group of teenagers in redacre to work together and try to sabatoge SAO’s plansknown and liked by his teachers at school for being an academic and generally helpful student[REDACTED INFORMATION]

personality: reserved, collected, and a little intimidating, rhys isn't the most expressive, and generally appears to be quite stoic. having to act as the one of the leaders for the group of kids trying to investigate CHORUS, and having witnessed almost first-hand what SAO is capable of, he rarely takes time for himself, focusing instead on keeping up with CHORUS and keeping an eye on the rest of the club. despite his quieter nature, he cares deeply for those around him, and is as cautious and careful as can be when it comes to helping his friends and peers.

likes: bagels, summer storms, the beach, salted caramel, the color purple, trail mix, ellis
dislikes: the taste of energy drinks, winter weather, swimming, english class, the color red, sandals, recklessness

fears: losing ellis, losing himself to SAO, any of the club kids getting caught, being unable to help those he cares about, SAO taking over the town
aspirations: get SAO out of redacre, protect his club, be able to enjoy himself again, keep ellis safe, survive

strengths: intelligent, cautious, organized, protective, level-headed
weaknesses: reserved, stiff, controlling, one-track mind, can be overly harsh

name: marjani myers
aliases: mar, haddonfield, haddon
age: 16
sexuality: bisexual
gender: genderqueer (they/she/he)

voice: STG
marked: yes (2)
chosen: no

item: stun gun
power deck: hacker

stalker: no

moved to Redacre in the past year with their mother, step-mother, and two step-brothersholds a lot against her mother and step-mother as she would’ve rather stayed with her fatherisn’t very happy with living in Redacre, but tries to make the best of it and ignore her frustration by making friendsher step-mother is a lucid, while her mother is a sleeper and her step-brothers both serve SAO

personality: witty, honest, and sarcastic, mar can have a very loud presence, feeling most comfortable in their preferred circles. fiercely protective of her friends, she tends to keep an eye on others when it would seem nobody else is paying attention, and always tries to play to her own strengths in order to aid her teammates. arguably the most sociable of her group — when they need a friendly face, she steps up, but otherwise is content with her current friendships, and isn't all too interested in making more. doesn’t go out of her way to stand in the spotlight, but isn't afraid to take it when she has something she wants to say.

likes: sour gummy worms, the arcade, flamin’ hot cheetos, hard rock music, baggy clothes, the color orange, designing tattoos
dislikes: her step-mother, Redacre, piano playing, math, people who can't take a joke, "family nights," swimming

fears: drowning, never seeing her dad again, dying, losing her friends, helplessness
aspirations: get out of redacre, move back home with her dad, keep her friends safe, graduate high school, hot weather

strengths: physically fit, attentive, loyal, driven, knows how to grab attention
weaknesses: fixates on things & doesn't let go, spiteful, aggressive, easily swayed by emotions, reckless

name: logan-marie perez
aliases: marikit_, mari
age: 16
sexuality: queer
gender: cis-girl (she/her)

voice: none
marked: none
chosen: no

item: stun gun
power deck: takedown

stalker: no

grew up in Havenhill with her mother, father, and older sisterused to be closer to her parents and sibling, however drifted from them when she hit high school.was contacted by the Sentinel as well as an unknown voice during a pseudo-mission with a small number of her classmates.is currently searching for her missing friend, nadia, who may have disappeared at the hands of CHORUS.

personality: standoffish, self-centered, and even cruel at times, she revels in the popularity of her "clique," regularly putting others around her down to maintain her higher standing. when with her clique, she's loud, fun-seeking, and confident, taking pleasure in making fun of her peers. only engages with people of her social "level" and can be needlessly malicious to anyone who seems to be an easy target. only came to popularity in high school, and actually had a lower social standing prior, often the target of bullying herself. that insecurity leads to her remorseless behavior, in order to ensure that she doesn't fall back down to that point again.

likes: parties, her girlfriends, chocolate-covered strawberries, warm colors, doing her makeup, her treated hair
dislikes: stupidity, fast food, growing out of clothes, being called out on her rude behavior, interacting with peers “lower” than her, springtime, her voice

fears: falling out of popularity, losing her friends, becoming a “nobody,” dying, the voices
aspirations: graduate high school, be successful, have fun, find nadia, survive

strengths: charismatic (when she wants to be), attentive to detail, agile, quick-thinking, cautious
weaknesses: distrustful, cold, remorseless, doesn’t remember what she deems unimportant, easily dislikable

name: ████ ██████
aliases: gut, gutkid
age: 15
D.O.B: august 15 (leo)
sexuality: queer
gender: non-binary (they/them)
family: mother, father

voice: none HTS
marked: yes (5)
chosen: yes

item: grappling hook
power deck: hacker takedown

stalker: no

denies affiliation with any one voicemoved to redacre over the past summerbelieves both their parents to be sleepers, is unaware that their father is a lucidhas struggled to make friends both at school and within the blackout club, however has managed to find a small handful of consistent teammates that they rely on more than others within the club.keeps a small notebook containing ideas for LoRs, notes on Old Tongue, and their favorite photosreluctant to enter the maze on their own. reasons likely include the lack of mobility available, as well as a small number of previous run-ins with the "Shape" that ended with their teammates, and sometimes themself, getting suppressedstill lives at home with their parents and attends school during the daytime, however will consistently skip certain classes that they feel especially excluded from

had finally managed to make a small group of friends that they felt safe with in their old town, and were devastated to learn that they had to leave them behind for the NRQZ.had been somewhat hesitant to believe that SAO was as bad as everyone says they are, until finding dead club members in the maze, as well as upon interacting with their watcher for the first time. the two did not get along well.is also hesitant to believe what other club members have said about HTS, and attempts to rationalize and justify the things they've heard about him.has an amicable relationship with their parents, however are not close with them.relatively well-versed in their knowledge Old Tongue, and is eager to learn more.on the shorter side (4'11) so while they may have the stamina for bursts of sprint, they tire slightly faster from covering the same amount of distance as their peers.has no issues with jumping on or knocking out enemies, and will often express either frustration or triumph when subduing one. doesn't always use the prettiest language.would occasionally take aesthetically appealing photos of their teammates while out on missions. after sharing, it became a practice for their group to regularly take advantage of any photo opportunities, thus forming the official unofficial "photography club."

personality: cautious, withdrawn, and at times a little intense, ████ usually struggles with making friends. being forced to move away to an entirely unfamiliar (and apparently haunted) town, believe it or not, hasn't made things any easier for them. given the opportunity, ████ would love to try and make friends with their peers, however usually end up keeping to themself. when they do chat with others, they often find themselves trying too hard to please or provide entertainment, resulting in a jumbled, usually awkward impression. as such, they do their best to keep quiet, choosing to remain on the sidelines and let their peers take the lead.

████ has developed quite the curiosity for many secrets of redacre — having found something else they could focus on that didn't force them to struggle with befriending their peers, they've leaned quite far into it, and are almost always willing to run missions and find out more. for a number of varying reasons, however, ████ is strongly averse to going anywhere near the maze, especially alone. considering the fact that most missions delve directly into the maze, this results in ████ focusing more on hunting down bonus evidence hidden around town while their teammates stay on the main objectives.
quick-thinking, reliable, and having an unusual eye for detail, they do tend to take a backseat during missions, however never hesitate to jump into action when the situation calls for it and rescue a teammate. though, it is worth noting that they are quick to push the focus back onto others once their job is done.

as the events of redacre's story unfold, ████ has at least managed to make a few acquaintances that they trust well enough to comfortably run missions with. however, despite the trust they place in their teammates, and the trust they hold in return, they feel a disconnect. due to their aversion to entering the maze, they often find themselves on their own, unable to follow their teammates, unable to face their fears. while they may not voice these concerns to their team, they worry that they're not meeting the standards of what's "useful" enough. after all, their peers always seem so much more knowledgeable, so much more capable, and so much stronger than ████ is.
so, when they can't enter the maze, they tend to put their all into BE hunting, which creates distance — when their only focus is being helpful, they feel as though they're not apart of their team's companionship. they feel unable to participate in jokes, or unable to enjoy themselves. they feel as though they're simply tagging along, and are not nearly as useful or as strong as their teammates think they are.

every now and then, ████ will enter the maze on their own, just to prove to themself that they can do it without being forced to, or without help. but they're unable to do so comfortably yet, and hate that weakness. with the lives of their teammates at risk, they're willing to do almost anything to become strong enough to face their fears.

likes: frogs, Thesis' pancakes, the stars, rooftops, doodling, peanut candies, the color red
dislikes: thin-crusted pizza, hot weather, SAO, procrastinating, tuna, wearing socks to sleep

fears: death, being helpless to protect others, losing everything they've ever cared about. y'know, normal teen stuff.
aspirations: become strong enough to face their fears, be able to run maze-oriented missions on their own, survive, graduate high school

strengths: agile, stealthy, observant, level-headed, appearing collected/calm, adapts to most new circumstances quickly
weaknesses: forgetful of one's own safety, low running stamina, VERY poor communication skills, struggles to see things from another perspective, socially awkward